Designed for Safety

Battery safety concerns and reputation have been tainted by recent news of fires and explosions. Thermal runaway is a phenomenon where an increase in temperature causes a chain reaction, leading to a self-sustaining and often uncontrollable heat.These issues are often observed in poorly-made batteries that have not gone through extensive safety testing.

Cold Electric Cell Structure軟包電芯散壓方式(台灣製造)

Advantages of Aluminum Film Cell Pouch

Cold Electric battery cells are wrapped in aluminum film pouch, which has several advantages :

  • Fast depressurization in extreme heat, thus effective in reigning in thermal runaway
  • Flexible space for expansion and shrinkage during charging, which further minimized potential ripping of the cell film
  • Effective heat dissipation that is equally distributed due to large surface area, compared to hard cells in prismatic or cylindrical formats
  • UL2580
  • UL1973
  • IEC62619
  • CNS62619
  • UN38.3
  • UL9540A
  • UL1973
  • IEC62619
  • CNS62619
  • UN38.3
  • UL9540A
  • UL2580
  • UL1973
  • IEC62619
  • CNS62619
  • UL9540A
  • UL9540
  • IEC62619
  • CNS62619